During our Fourth of July sale, running through July 6, use coupon code SUMMER in your shopping cart to save 10% on some of our favorite red, white, and blue kits, and other fantastic supplies for great summer projects!
Sale items include:
Alpha Clock Five, Red
Alpha Clock Five, White
Alpha Clock Five, Blue
Diavolino Kits
Evil Mad Scientist logo stickers
Deluxe LED Menorah Kits
Larson Scanner Kits
Peggy 2LE Kits
Peggy 2 Light Emitting Pegboard kit
Red Binding Post (Banana Jack)
White Binding Post (Banana Jack)
Ultrabright Blue LED w/ 3 mm Diffused lens
Candle Flicker LED: Red w/ 5 mm Diffused lens
The Digi-Comp II: First Edition
Ultrabright Blue LED w/ 5 mm Diffused lens
Resistor Lead Forming Tool
The Digi-Comp II: First Edition (B Grade)
Phillips #1 Screwdriver
Red, 3 mm, Diffused lens
Mini Breadboard
Diamond Engraving Tool for EggBot
Interactive LED Panels
Simple target boards for ATtiny2313 microcontrollers
36 V DC Power Supply
Electro-Kistka for EggBot
Simple Relay Shield for Arduino
Art Controller Relay Board Kit
Pen Arm Backer for Eggbot (Aluminum)
Buddha Board Holder for WaterColorBot
MDF Spoilboard for WaterColorBot