d20 and d12 Handbags of Holding Kits

All the parts you need for making your own zippered bag in the shape of a 20-sided or 12-sided die.
No longer in production.

These d20 and d12 "Handbag of Holding" kits make it easy to build your own zippered bag in the shape of a 20-sided or 12-sided die. Perfect for stashing your personal treasures.

Two kits are available, for either the d20 and d12 Handbag of Holding. Each kit consists of a set of precision shaped laser-cut fabric pieces along with the other components that you'll need. With our precision-cut parts, you'll save time building and end up with a more precise dodecahedron or icosahedron.

The d20 Handbag of Holding kit contains triangular canvas outer facets, soft cotton liner pieces in a neutral print, and iron-on triangular stiffener panels, plus custom black fabric iron-on numbers 1-20, for a total of more than 90 laser-cut pieces-- plus a fancy handle cord and zipper. When completed, the icosahedron stands about 5 inches (13 cm) tall.

d12 kit

The d12 Handbag of Holding kit also has (pentagonal) canvas outer facets, soft cotton liner pieces in a neutral print, and iron-on stiffener panels, plus custom black fabric iron-on numbers 1-12, for a total of more than 50 laser-cut pieces-- plus a fancy handle cord and zipper. The d12 Handbag of Holding kit stands about 4.5 inches (12 cm) tall.

Each kit takes several hours to assemble-- depending on your skill level -- and requires thread, needle, straight pins, scissors and an iron (fabric type, not soldering type). A sewing machine is not required but may make some parts go faster. Detailed, photo-heavy assembly instructions, complete with original patterns, are provided online. Kits are guaranteed not to produce bags of devouring accidentally.

Fabrics are pre-washed with scent-free detergent in a smoke-free, cat-controlled environment, before being lovingly blasted to bits with a 45 W carbon dioxide laser.

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