ATtiny2313 Target Boards
'tiny2313 Target Board specs:
- Overall size 2" x 3.5" (Standard business card size)
- Thickness: 0.031", i.e., 1/32" or 0.8 mm. (Half of standard circuit board thickness.) That's thick for a business card-- like some of the superpremium embossed cardstock ones, but it is pretty thin for a circuit board. It's just thick enough to be reasonably rigid.
- Lead-free (RoHS compliant) construction
- Single-sided pcb design
- Easy to solder lead-free finish
- FR-4 fiberglass-epoxy board material; UL94V-0 rated
- Black solder mask with white silkscreen on both sides
'tiny2313 Target Board features:
- Fits Atmel ATtiny2313 and ATtiny4313 microcontrollers
- Individual labels for all pins of the microcontroller
- Four extra access holes connected to every pin of the microcontroller
- Compatible with 20-pin ZIF DIP sockets
- Prototyping areas: 28 independent sets of four connected plated through holes; fits two DIP-8 packages.
- Multiple access points for power and ground.
- Power jack location to connect to a 3-5 V DC power adapter
- 6-32 clearance mounting holes provided at each corner
- Accommodates 3-pin ceramic resonator or crystal oscillator with capacitors
Additional information about the boards and their use with other (roughly) pin-compatible chips, such as the ATtiny25, '45 and '85, is available here.
Also available: the ATtiny2313 Mini development kit that includes the circuit board, microcontroller, socket, and programming header.
Lead Free
Our Target Boards and other electronic components listed on this page are all RoHS compliant (lead free). Working with these parts, you'll find that everything works well with either regular or lead-free solder-- whichever you care to use.
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