- Main Product Directory
- The Original Eggbot Kit
- Interactive LED Art Kits
- Interactive LED Panel Kits
- Interactive LED Panels
- Octolively Interactive Modules
- Octolively Interactive Modules, Ready-to-use
- Interactive Game of Life Kit
- Museum Display: Conway's Game of Life
- Clock Kits and Modules
- Bulbdial Clock Kits
- Alpha Clock Five
- Alpha Clock Five, White Edition
- Alpha Clock Five (Basic Edition)
- Alpha Clock Five White (Basic Edtition)
- The Chronodot byMacetech
- DIY LED Matrix Kits
- Arduino Boards, Shields, and Compatibles
- Arduino Microcontroller Boards
- Diavolino
- Adafruit Motor Shield for Arduino Kit
- Simple Relay Shield for Arduino
- ISP Shield for Arduino
- Googly Eye Shield
- Arduino Ecosystem Kits and Accessories
- AVR Microcontroller Development Kits
- Simple-but-great Soldering Kits
- Digi-Comp II
- Sewing Kits
- Components
- LED Headquarters
- All LEDs on one page
- Numeric and Alphanumeric LED Displays
- Individual LEDs by Color
- Individual LEDs by Size
- 1.8 mm LEDs
- 3 mm LEDs
- 5 mm LEDs
- 10 mm LEDs
- Superflux "Piranha" LEDs
- Surface Mount LEDs
- LED Assortments
- "Candle Flicker" LEDs
- LED Asssortments
- LED Matrix Displays
- Surface Mount LEDs
- Integrated Circuits
- Crystal and Capacitor Set
- Resistors
- Battery Holders
- DIP IC Sockets
- Switches and Botton Caps
- Connectors
- Handy Headers
- Hardware
- Motors
- Accessories
- Prototyping and Breadboarding
- Tools
- Power Supplies
- Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout
- The Adafruit USBtinyISP kit
- Adafruit FTDI Friend
- Logic Level Converter
- Bare Printed Circuit Boards
- Ribbon Cables
- USB A to B Cable
- USB Cable, A to mini-B
- Accessories for Specific Kits
- Stickers and Decorative Components
- Zener Diode